
J. S. Bach Cantata BWV 5, “Wo soll ich fliehen hin?”

From the Estate of Joseph Joachim

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Autograph full score. Written in brown ink on systems of two to ten staves. Headed (f. 3r) `J[esu]. J[uva]. Do[m]i[ni]ca 19 post Trinit. Wo soll ich fliehen hin? Concerto’. With revisions throughout also in Bach’s hand (listed in detail in Johann Sebastian Bach. Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke (Kassel: Bärenreiter Verlag, 1954- ), I/24, Kritischer Bericht, pp. 128-136), apparently made for a later performance.

Ownership: British Library


Wilhelm Friedemann Bach at the composer’s death; Carl Philipp Heinrich Pistor (d. 1847), Berlin; Ernst Friedrich Karl Rudorff; given by the last by 1888 to Joseph Joachim; purchased for Heyer Collection, Cologne at auction by firm of C.G. Boerner, [Leipzig], 8 and 9 May 1908 (all from Neue Bach-Ausgabe, I/24, Kritischer Bericht, ed. Matthias Wendt (Kassel: Bärenreiter Verlag, 1991)); purchased by Zweig at third Heyer sale, Henrici, Berlin, 29 Sept. 1927 (Zweig’s record card, Add. MS 73167, f.1, which includes a printed extract from the Henrici sale cat.); British Library, Loan 65.1 from 1975 to 1986.

BWV 5 Auction Catalog copyC. G. Boerner, Auktions-Institut, Kunst- und Buchantiquariat, Katalog einer kostbaren Autographen-Sammlung aus Wiener Privatbesitz: wertvolle Autographen und Manuskripte aus dem Nachlass von Josef Joachim, Philipp Spitta, Hedwig von Holstein ; Versteigerung 8. u. 9. Mai 1908 (Katalog Nr. 92), Leipzig: 1908.